Proceedings of the Day Conference held at Manchester University, December 1993
PLEASE NOTE: These IPs have been scanned and reconstituted from the printed versions. Although the pagination has been maintained, there may be some odd discrepancies from the original – if anything is glaringly wrong or misleading please let our webmaster know with a correction, full details of the paper, page and sufficient detail to locate the error.
1 Awareness of Learning, Reflection and Transfer in School Mathematics
Alan Bell
Shell Centre Nottingham University
2 Symbolising experience and experiencing symbolisation
Tony Brown
3 A Story of a Story: Some Methodological Issues Arising from Naturalistic Research in Mathematics
Olwen McNamara
Manchester Metropolitan University
4 Researching Geometrical Intuition
Keith Jones
5 Can We Talk About Constructivism?
Steve Lerman
Centre for Mathematics Education South Bank University, London
6 Having Presence in a Mathematics Classroom
Pinder Singh
7 Working in Mathematics Education with Namibian Primary Teachers
David Womack
8 Cultural Influences on Children’s Probabilistic Thinking
Gilead Amir
University of Manchester
9 Blind activity?
Simon Goodchild
College of St. Mark and St. John, Plymouth
10 Low Attainment and the Pursuit of Algebra
Tony Harries
Bath College of Higher Education
11 Investigating Children’s Mathematics Anxiety: The Effect of Teaching Approaches
Karen Newstead
Department of Education, University of Cambridge
12 Students’ Understanding of Differentiation and Integration
Behiye Ubuz
Shell Centre for Mathematical Education University of Nottingham
13 Conversation as a Metaphor for Mathematics and Learning
Paul Ernest
14 Teachers Assessing Coursework: Themes and Tensions
Candia Morgan
Institute of Education, University of London