Forthcoming Event
BERA Practitioner Researcher Event (PRiME event): Saturday 21st January 2023, ONLINE
The aim of the Practitioner Research in Mathematics Education (PRiME) event is to provide a supportive platform for teachers of mathematics in early years, primary, secondary, further education or higher education to share their classroom research projects about any aspects of mathematics teaching and learning with fellow practitioners. The event also aims to develop practitioners’ research skills through a keynote talk, workshops and presentations by fellow practitioners. We are delighted that Dr Nancy Barclay, our keynote speaker, will share her experiences of close-to-practice research.
Past Events
BERA Practitioner Researcher Event (PRiME event): Saturday 7 December 2019, London Mathematical Society, De Morgan House
The aim of this event was again to provide a forum for practitioner researchers to meet and share their projects, with a focus on broadening research skills to support high-quality practitioner research. The day was organised and supported by the BERA Mathematics Education Special Interest Group, with additional funding from BSRLM and the Mathematical Association. There were 35 attendees, 15 research presentations and a choice of 2 workshops, one on interviewing and video-stimulated reflection (led by Dr Pete Wright), and the other on writing for practitioner journals (led by Dr Helen Williams and Dr Colin Foster). Dr Pete Wright also gave an excellent keynote on ‘Developing practitioner-led classroom inquiry into action research’.
Learning from the classroom – Practitioner research in mathematics education • Saturday 17th June 2017 • De Morgan House, London
The aim of this event was to provide a forum for practitioner researchers to meet and share their projects with a focus on broadening research skills to support systematic approaches. The day was organised and supported by BERA Special Interest Groups on Mathematics in Education and Practitioner Research, following similar successful events in 2014 and 2015.
Learning from the classroom – Practitioner research in mathematics education • Sat 16 Jul 2016 • Exeter Mathematics School
The aim of this event was to provide a forum for practitioner researchers to meet and share their projects with a focus on broadening research skills to support systematic approaches. The day was organised and supported by BERA Special Interest Groups on Mathematics in Education and Practitioner Research, following similar successful events in 2014 and 2015.
The day began with a keynote by Dr Alison Clark-Wilson, who will report on key findings from the International Congress on Mathematics Education’s commissioned survey on practitioner research around the world, which Alison co-authored.
The day included a range of invited presentations by new and experienced practitioner researchers on a variety of themes related to mathematics education, which were chaired to support focused discussions.
In addition there was a choice of practical research methodology workshops, led by Alf Coles, d’Reen Struthers and Charlotte Webb that explored the challenges faced by practitioner researchers, with an emphasis on methods of data collection and analysis that can lead to worthwhile conclusions on classroom practices.
Learning from the classroom – Practitioner research in mathematics education • Jul 2015 • Sheffield Hallam University
Following the success of a similar conference in 2014, BERA Special Interest Groups on Mathematics in Education and Practitioner Research once again aimed to provide a forum for practitioner researchers to meet and share their projects with a focus on broadening research skills to support systematic approaches.
The day began with a keynote from Professor Hilary Povey, who charted her own journey from teaching mathematics in inner London schools to her role in supporting beginning and practising teachers to develop research-informed practices.
The day included a range of invited presentations by new and experienced practitioner researchers on a variety of themes related to mathematics education.
In addition there will be w a choice of practical research methodology workshops, led by Alison Clark-Wilson, d’Reen Struthers and Gill Adams to explore the challenges faced by practitioner researchers, with an emphasis on methods of data collection and analysis that can lead to worthwhile conclusions on classroom practices.
Learning from the classroom – Practitioner research in mathematics education • July 2014 • De Morgan House, London
A one-day event convened by British Educational Research Association (BERA) in collaboration with the British Society for the Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) was held on Saturday 12th July 2104 at de Morgan House, 57-58 Russell Square, London WC1B 4HS.
The BERA Special Interest Groups on Mathematics in Education and Practitioner Research aimed to provide a forum for practitioner researchers to meet and share their projects with a focus on broadening research skills to support systematic approaches.
The day began with a keynote from Professor Hilary Povey, who charted her own journey from teaching mathematics in inner London schools to her role in supporting beginning and practising teachers to develop research-informed practices.
The day included a range of invited presentations by new and experienced practitioner researchers on a variety of themes related to mathematics education.
In addition there were three practical research methodology workshops, led by Alison Clark-Wilson, d’Reen Struthers and Sue Pope to explore the challenges faced by practitioner researchers, with an emphasis on methods of data collection and analysis that can lead to worthwhile conclusions on classroom practices.
A selection of the presentation slides and accompanying documents from the day are available here.