Read the latest guest blog written by Sue Gifford:
The case for Space in the early years
Recently, the government proposed removing Shape, Space and Measures as a learning Goal for five year olds at the end of reception, and replacing it with a second Goal about number. Early years teachers I spoke to were adamant about the importance of SS&M for early maths. They were also convinced that, if these areas were not going to contribute to school scores of ‘Good Level of Development’, senior managers, and therefore teachers, would soon cease to focus on them in terms of time and resources. … [Read more]

Interested in submitting a guest blog?
The aim of the BSRLM blog is to provide research-informed and accessible content on key issues in mathematics education, both in the UK and internationally. The editorial team welcomes submissions to the blog of approximately 500 words. … [Read more]
BSRLM guest blogs
See all the BSRLM blogs here.