On behalf of BERA Mathematics Education Special Interest Group …
To all BSRLM members (particularly Mathematics teachers in the UK),
In our role as Convenors of the British Education Research Association’s (BERA) Mathematics Education Special Interest Group, we would like to encourage you to attend and present at our annual event called the ‘Practitioner Research in Mathematics Education’ (PRiME) event. The event will be held on Saturday 7 December 2019 (10:00-16:00) at the London Mathematical Society (in central London).
PRiME sets out to provide a platform for Mathematics teachers (Early Years – Key Stage 5) to share their classroom research projects about any aspects of mathematics teaching and learning with fellow practitioners. The event also aims to develop practitioners’ research skills through a keynote talk, workshops and presentations by fellow practitioners. The day is organised and supported by BERA’s Special Interest Group on Mathematics Education, in collaboration with the British Society for Research in Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) and The Mathematical Association (MA).
The final programme is available here:
PRiME 2019 Programme – Final
For more details of this event, please visit the Event page.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the event.
Natthapoj Vincent Trakulphadetkrai, Colin Foster & Alison Clark-Wilson
Mathematics Education Special Interest Group (SIG)
British Education Research Association