We had a successful conference in Belfast on 9th November, with some very interesting presentations raising issues about mathematics education in Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and England.

At the AGM, we appointed new members of the executive committee for 2020
- Chair: Jeremy Hodgen
- Publications Officer: Rachel Marks
- Online Communications Co-ordinator: Pablo Mayorga
For those who would like to join the BSRLM executive committee (free travel and attendance at conferences!) there will be vacancies in 2021 for secretary, membership co-ordinator and two conference organisers.
Colin Foster, the Outreach Co-ordinator and one of the convenors of the BERA Special Interest Group (SIG) in Mathematics Education, noted there was a good number of papers but low attendance at the last BERA conference. Colin invites members to email him with views about the function of this group.
Following suggestions from the Open Forum, the Conferences Organisers are considering logistics for 40 minute presentation slots and a Friday conference in 2021.
The BSRLM Honorary Award will be presented to John Mason at the next conference (7th March in Cambridge) for his consistent and outstanding service to research in mathematics education in the UK and support for BSRLM.
The website is currently being updated and we look forward to a more user-friendly site soon!