If you’d like to get more involved in BSRLM, now is your chance!
We’re looking for two people to take over from our outgoing Treasurer and Outreach Co-ordinator.
We invite nominations for these roles on the BSRLM executive committee to start from 1st January 2022. The closing date for nominations is 1st November 2021.
Please send the appropriate form to Nicola Bretscher (n.bretscher@ucl.ac.uk) and cc Pablo Mayorga (pablo.mayorga@roehampton.ac.uk).
Follow the links below for the appropriate form:
2021_Treasurer_Nomination Form
2021_Outreach Coordinator_Nomination Form
If you wish to find out more about what these roles entail please see Annexe 2 of the Constitution for a role description https://bsrlm.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/BSRLM-Constitution-2019-updated-Jan-20.pdf and/or contact current role holders for further information:-
Treasurer (Nancy Barclay n.barclay@brighton.ac.uk)
Outreach Co-Ordinator (Colin Foster c.foster@lboro.ac.uk)
Nicola Bretscher