BSRLM Spring 2021 proposal form Please ensure that you have registered for the conference before you complete this form. Please note that only the lead presenter should complete this form. If any of your personal details below are incorrect, please edit these in the Members' area of the BSRLM website. Family Name (required) First Name (required) Your Email (required) If you are on Twitter and would like your audience to help promote your session on Twitter, please indicate your Twitter account name – Twitter Account Name Please list names by surname, first name and indicate all authors that are planning to attend with an asterisk (e.g. Noyes, Andrew; Wake, Geoff* & Williams, Julian*; where only Geoff and Julian will attend) Please list institutions in author order (e.g. University of Nottingham, University of Nottingham, University of Manchester). Title of session (required) (20 words max) Session Abstract (required) (200 words max) Session Type (required) Note that all workshops and research papers are 40 minutes long, with about 25 minutes for presentation followed by 15 minutes for questions and discussion. Research papers – a research presentation followed by questions from the audience.Research workshops – a format whereby presenters engage their audience in discussion (e.g. a debate about research methodologies) or activity (e.g. interview data analysis verification) on a particular subject or project.Working groups - a continuing longer term subgroup with a topic-focused agenda. Key Words (required) Please indicate 3-5 key words (separated by a semicolon 😉 which encapsulate the research focus covered by your conference presentation (e.g. assessment; curriculum; teacher training; instructional resources) and, if applicable, a relevant age range